Getting your Facebook & Google Retargeting Pixels from pixel code

Creating a Facebook Pixel:

Go to your Facebook Pixel tab in Ads Manager. This can be found at the following link:

  1. Click Set Up Pixel
  2. Then click on “Copy and Paste the Code” followed by “Install Pixel Base Code”
  3. Find your Pixel ID in the code under “Copy the entire pixel base code and paste it in the website header.” Your Pixel ID is the number located inside the red box below:Creating a Google Adwords Pixel:

Creating a Google Adwords Pixel:


  1. Log in to your Adwords account.
  2. Select “tools”(at the top of the page, next to “Reports”)
  3. Click on “conversions”. When you create or select an existing Conversion action, Adwords will generate a Conversion Tracking Tag which you can find by selecting the Conversion action in the “Name” column. Your Conversion Tracking Tag contains your Conversion ID(or Tracking Pixel).
  4. To access your conversion ID, create a new Conversion with Website source type or select any existing conversion action in the “Name” column.
  5. Your conversion ID will be located in the Google code next to google_coversion_id= **********