Adding vanity text on your Smart Link URL

A personalized subdomain refers to the vanity text that goes in front of "":

To claim your standard subdomain, click into the "Artist Settings" field if you are an Artist account, and the "Link Settings" if you are a promoter account:

(Artist Account | once clicked, select "Link Settings")

(Promoter Account)

From there, scroll down to your "Sub Domains" field, and enter the text you would like to use. If it is available, you will receive a green check mark. If someone else is already using it, you will need to update to new text.

Hit "Add Domain", and then hit "save" at the bottom of the page. This sub-domain will now be available for you to choose from when you set your Smart Link up:

If you have a Promoter account, once your sub-domain has been created, you will then need to go into the artist folder you'd like it to be available in, and "claim" the domain under the Link Settings.

You have the ability to add the sub-domain to all new artist folders you manage if you'd like. Choose "Assign to New Artists" if you would like the sub-domain to be automatically available in new artist folders that you create.

"Claiming" a sub-domain in an artist folder: