Your Pre-Save Delivery Analytics will show you not only the total number of pre-saves collected, but it will also show you the status of your pre-save on the release day. There are four different stages of delivery for a pre-save, which we display on the progress bar. 


The four states of a delivery are as follows: 

  • Successfully Delivered: Content that has been sent to the library your fans’ have requested during the Pre-Save.
  • Queued for Delivery: Content that has not yet been sent to your fans’ but is either about to be processed for delivery or, in the case of a local release, is waiting to be available in your fans’ territories.
  • Pending Source: Content that has not been sent because the source - the link or ISRC/UPC of your content - is either invalid or missing. Edit your Smart Link with the corrected link within three days of the release date to successfully deliver your Pre-Save to your fans.
  • Couldn’t Be Delivered: Content that could not be delivered to the fans’ library. A common reason this can happen will be because the fan removed the authorization token before the release date, or if the correct content source was not supplied within three days of the release date.