1. Link Settings:

Fill in Smart Link Settings (available from the drop down menu at the top of your account)

2) Default Stores:

Choose the stores you would like to populate each link by default. Remove any unwanted stores, or click “search store” to include additional channels.

3) Custom Domains:

You can enter up to 100 custom sub domains to personalize your link. For example "ciara.ffm.to/thinkinboutyou" instead of “ffm.to/test" Select on the right if you would like a specific sub domain to be assigned to any new artist profiles you create.

4) Store Territories:

Select additional territories that you would like to populate for each store. For example, if you include “Official Label Store” as an option, but have one store for the US, and another for the UK, you can enter both urls per location:

Select the countries you would like to include in the “select territory to add” bar, and remove any you do not want.

5) Localization:

Create an unlimited amount of default layouts per territory (for example, you may want Deezer to populate as the first choice in France since it’s the #1 service there, but may also want Spotify first for the US). Select the countries you would like to include in the “select territory to add” bar, and remove any you do not want.

To adjust the layout per country, select the drop down arrow on the right, and you will be able to change the text and order for each store. Hit “save” when you are done to complete these changes.

6) Advanced Settings:

Input your retargeting and affiliate tags, your company privacy policy, and more in the advanced settings. 

Any new artist profile that you create will automatically have these settings added into their account at the artist level.