A widget is a code used to display your content, which can be used as a shortcut to another platform to access services. feature.fm makes it easy to set up and use widgets on your pages. 

Get started capturing your widget code by clicking on the three dots next to your link, and then click “get widget”.

A pop up will appear prompting you to choose what channel you are installing your widget on.

Clicking on each channel will change the iframe code so that it is best optimized for use. This window will also give you the option to choose the size of your widget and to add text. Take a look at a preview by clicking on the eye!

Notice when we add text to our widget, the iframe code adapts and changes. 

<iframe width="600" height="300" frameborder="0" src=“https://thewrecks.ffm.to/infinitelyordinary.otw/widget?width=600&height=300&note=Stream%20the%20album"></iframe>

Example preview of widget:

That’s it! Copy and paste the code into your pages to start promoting your links.